
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tomorrow's World!

I was looking at the television guide the other day out of sheer morbid curiosity, just to satisfy myself that I had made the right decision in stopping myself from watching any of the current serials that air in syndication around the world. The last television programme that I watched from start to finish was Boston Legal (2004 - 2008). It's so hard to commit to anything on television these days what with the likes of the buttfuckery of Glee, Desperate Housewives and The Big Bang Theory dominating the airwaves...and don't even get me started on the likes of 90210 or that pseudo-reality television shite "Jersey Shore".

Gone are the days of quirky television...where shows didn't necessarily have to appeal to the lowest common denominator of society. Where are the Frasier's, and the Denny Crane's of today's television? There are simply NO iconic characters out there at the moment, and with that being the case, what's the point in watching?

Occasionally looking through your tv guide, or even just by watching tv itself and noticing how bad it has become, your mind often wanders to the days when television used to excite you. Your mind is cast back to memories of shows that you thought you had forgotten. Shows that you would beg, borrow and steal to see back on the air just as an alternative to the contemporary shit that we are now force fed 24/7.

Admittedly, I had a soft spot for those early 90's teen angst drama's like the original 90210 or Party of Five (did nay really care for the likes of Dawson's Creek though), but just yesterday I was reminded of a show that was a little bit quirky, if not completely ridiculous (but it was the good kind of ridiculous). T'was a little program called "Early Edition" don't remember it you say? Allow me to summarise...

I can't really remember the specifics of certain episodes, but I do vividly remember watching this poor bastard risk life and limb in order to stop your run of the mill disasters from occuring. You know, piano's falling out of windows onto inoccent passers by, the odd train crash and fire, the usual like. It always astounded me that the character of Gary never really attempted to manipulate that whole "getting tomorrow's paper today" thing and use it to his advantage. He was a stock broker by trade...he could have cleaned up if he really wanted to...even if he treated himself and did the lottery once you'd think that'd be a just reward for going out of your way to save the lives of hundreds of complete and utter strangers. I know one guy who wouldn't be quite so selfless.

Give me a sports almanac any day of the week
This show makes you wonder what exactly you would do if you were in Hobson's position. You know full well what you'd do don't you? You'd milk it for everything it was worth and then donate the odd portion to charity just to quench your guilt. In fact, if I'm honest, I'd probably even try and sell that fucking cat that always used to show up with the paper for no apparent reason. Extra few quid in the pocket. Nice!

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