
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bizarre is Immature? No, no, no!

Still learning the in's and out's of this blogging business, but I figure it's probably the best way to blow off a little bit of steam every once in a while! So here we go, blog the first, the first blog if you will, and so long as nobody is expecting anything on this to be particularly exciting or interesting, then you're probably going to like it just fine (kind of like a bottle of Dr. Pepper)

Every time a birthday approaches I can't help but remember a quote from the movie "Singles" which I saw back in my early teens. A character played by Bridget Fonda says something along the lines of "23 always seemed so old when I was a kid...I think time is running out to do something bizarre...somewhere around 25, bizarre becomes immature" It's certainly not a piece of advice that I intend to take to heart, as I genuinely reckon that "bizarre" is not something that can be dictated or deliberated, and so doing something "bizarre" can hardly be seen as an act of immaturity, can it? I mean, I would consider the massive spending spree's that people approaching  their forties/fifties tend to go on to be quite bizarre, but apparently that's just known as a "mid-life crisis", and as such is anything but immature. But with each passing year I can't help but wonder if there are many people who subscribe to the Bridget Fonda school of thought. I really hope there arent, because, if you think about it...some of the most memorable/exciting nights out/holidays you can remember are probably so damn memorable because of you either doing, or witnessing something "bizarre".

Looking back on college nights out in particular, I can't even begin to tell you how fond I am of each and every truly bizarre moment that we all experienced. Whether it be the strange, dingy, underground, open til' all hours club we found in Prague where tables and chairs were made out of twisted metal, or whether it was drunkenly telling some poor bastard in Doyles that he was Stephen Merchant repeatedly, Sinead pulling me to the ground in slow motion as we looked retarded-ly (is that even a word?)in to each others eyes, or even whether it's strange ladies in their mid to late forties who decide to lecture you over something you are so blisfully ignorant of at Supermac's, these are all examples of hilarious moments that make nights out so much fun.

If you can think of the most hilarious and random things that you ever experienced, and somebody asked you to give all those memories back, would you? Hell's no! And similarly, if somebody asked you to give them up, do you think you could? If Bridget Fonda showed up at my door tomorrow and said, "Hey, just to let you know...that bizarre activities card of yours is coming up for expiration...", first of all I'd address the irony of Bridget fucking Fonda showing up at my door to revoke a fictional "bizarre" card, and then I'd send her on her way...because I don't ever want to give up those random moments of greatness!

And maybe that's just me being immature. I can't speak for everyone else my age, but there are certain things that I believe it's necessary to take with you from your childhood and hold on to for as long as possible, and the potential to confound and do something random, but exciting is definitely at the top of that list. If it's the one thing we can hold on to that makes us even a fraction as happy as we were as wee whipper snappers then why not bite, kick, claw and cling onto it for dear life?!? Now, I'm not saying lets all go bungee jumping while eating whale blubber, or lets sky dive naked...but it would be nice to know that people are making room for the idea that they could potentially do either of those things...and so much more, regardless of age, if they so choose!

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