
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food for Thought!

As I sit here using Internet Explorer 7 to write this blog, I find myself wondering if it's even worth it. Certainly not my browser of choice, IE7 has taken numerous opportunities this morning to point out to me that not only is it an inferior product to many other alternative browser's out there...but various websites also offer a list of viable alternative's (all of which are presumably better than Internet Explorer 7) which you could download and use. That would be great, in theory, except for the fact that every time I click on the "download Firefox" link the ever faithful "Insufficient Administrator Privilages" message decides to rear it's ugly, as it seems I must endure IE7 for the duration of the day, and bearing in mind that this does not cater for things such as "facebook chat", "youtube" or even the simple loading of jpeg or other images on various webpages (is there anything more frustrating than a webpage that shows up all of your pictures as a blank screen with a nice big red X in the top right corner??? Bebo, eat your heart out) the day's potential internet use seems fairly grim.

So, with that being the case, I find it fascinating that the creator of this IE7 (whoe'er they may be) has deemed it necessary to not only infuriate the users of this magnificent outdated product by making it crap beyond all reasonable measure, but then it throws the proverbial salt right into the wounds as it scoffingly offers up a list of suggestions of something else that may serve you just a little bit better! Imagine if you were hired for a job...and that job was to tell people just how bad you were at your job...and not only that...but after degrading yourself to that level and extinguishing any kind of character you had, or respect those potential clients may have previously had for insist upon telling them just who exactly can do what they wanted YOU to do! How low an opinion of ones self must they have to do something like that! But not only that, imagine the client is an exclusive customer of the people that you work for (the metaphor for the insufficient administrator privileges) and therefore can't consult any of the people you suggested...who wins in that situation? It's like dangling the proverbial carrot in front of them, all the while cutting off your nose in spite of your face! No-one wins...that's who!

Well, that's how I feel about Internet Explorer 8. An agonisingly poor browser which jovially dances in front of my face as it opens web pages at a disgustingly slow pace, and not offering up any of the images which you would like to see on said pages. It seems comaparable to a pensioner in the early phase of Alzheimer's, still weary and alert enough to enjoy themselves, but a little sluggish and those memories (the unloaded images) are a little foggy at best!

Perhaps thats harsh, but bearing in mind that it will be remarkable if this browser even allows this blog to be posted without causing the computer to explode, the term "harsh but fair" seems more appropriate!

Thanks for nothing Internet Explorer 7!

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