
Friday, March 25, 2011

Comments on the Tube!

I remember logging onto youtube for the first time in 2005 and thinking "man, this is the future"...the concept alone blew me away, people could put videos on the internet and share them with the world at the click of a button. Now, it's important to acknowledge that the entire landscape of youtube was different back in those embryonic days...there was probably only a few hundred thousand videos on it at the time, and many of them were mainly just from people uploading entire episodes of programmes, or even feature films. Another important aspect in highlighting the differences between the youtube of yesteryear and it's modern counterpart is the fact that there was no 10 minute time limit on uploads.

If you were a casual internet surfer with an hour and a half to spare, you could simply head to youtube, not sign in to any account, and watch full movies to your heart's content. It was magical...But I genuinely didn't think that it would take off the way it did. In it's current form, youtube hosts billions of videos, and has many hundreds of millions of registered users, and with this being the case, a new "easy access" culture seems to have been created in which we can visit this website and be guaranteed a laugh, a story, or at the very least an illegal streaming of a television programme. Over the years, youtube has provided us with some of the funniest videos you'll probably ever see, created new celebrities, and pretty much granted any of us with a camera and a computer a forum for showcasing our talents.

But one thing that youtube has given us which is just worth so much more than any of these things, is the voice that it has granted to the "haters" of this world, who like nothing more than to place these non-constructive, spiteful, malicious and often times downright hilarious comments on strangers videos! I've often clicked onto a video and was far more entertained by the comments underneath than I was by the video itself! It once again goes to show you that people are bastards...funny bastards...but bastards all the same!

 Fridee, Fridee, Fridee!

This woeful song is one of the most "disliked" videos  that youtube has ever seen, yet it's also one of the most who exactly wins here? Rebecca Black quickly becomes one of the most despised people on the planet, but becomes rich as all hell in the process. The song is shit, the lyrics are better believe the video is shit...but the comments... ah the comments:-

"That would rip yer fucking knittin!!"

 "It's fried eggs fried eggs fried eggs!!!"


"this shit suck" - I especially love these one's where the person (most likely delusional from overexposure to this utter bollocks) just cannot be arsed putting their dislike into a proper sentence.

"Because of this song... I think I'll just start looking forward to Thursday."

"yesterday was thursday, today it is friday, tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards" - Lyrical Genius, Rebecca Black.

"I cannot believe 91,212 of you idiot's liked this. I hope it's worth it, because I am going to personally shit on each and every one of you!"

 Another great little habit of youtube comment leavers' these days is to make a comment directly related to the video, but in reference to the amount of dislikes the video has received! For example this video of a scene from Army Of Darkness is re-jigged into a very odd song which features the lyrics "alright you prmitive screwheads, listen up"

One of the highest rated comments underneath is "18 people are primitive screwheads" of course referring to the 18 people who chose to dislike the's very topical and although there are much more witty (sometimes even hysterical) examples of it on other videos, it's definitely something to keep your eye out for...especially if it's an in-joke for fans of whatever the video may be. It really goes down a treat!

 Another very popular video is this clip of Justin Bieber making an arse out of himself on some New Zealand TV show. Yes it's priceless, and yes it's an epic fail...but the comments are so impossibly harsh...funny as all hell though!

"justin..a door is important for every house...true or false?
whats a door? we dont say that in america."

Go forth and watch as many videos as you can. all the while keeping an eye out for those comments that just may reduce you to tears with laughter!

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