
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

People are Bastards!!!!!!

First of all, allow me to preface this by saying...if you are the dickless piece of shit that attempted to "egg" me through the window of a speeding car on the Ballymount road yesterday, I neither forgive you, nor will I tolerate this kind of bullshit henceforth. You sir/madam/sirs comprise a largely expanding group that us "normies" like to refer to as "the scum of the fucking earth"! And, as the scum of the earth, I understand that you probably feel there is some sort of obligation on you to act accordingly. There isn't. People can tell who you are and what you're about generally just by looking at you (the trackies tucked into the socks, or in the case of a woman, wearing your pyjamas out on the street is generally a dead give away), and as such do not need to see your resoume of fucking delinquancy put on display.

Maybe it's harsh to paint all those trackie wearing codgers with the same brush...obviously there are certain instances where tucking your trousers into your socks becomes acceptable (when people are riding a bike to work on a wet day for example), it doesn't make it any less ridiculous to look at though. But that's just a pet peeve of mine. I can generally forgive that ridiculous sense of "style" so long as it's not accompanied by behaviour that would generally be regarded as "ill-fitting" for any fully functioning person. You know the type of behaviour...walking with some kind of a slouch or hunch, generally weaving from left to right while walking the street, either deliberately in order to disrupt the walking pattern of those who prefer the "as the crow flies" route, or unintentionally as a result of the severe intoxication they are experiencing, spitting every few yards is commonplace, and if you were unsure about the person's scumbag tendencies (because obviously some of them only display two out of the four aforementioned characteristics), just listen to the voice when they encounter someone that they recognise on the street.

The ultimate dead giveaway for these unsavoury characters is if they start a sentence with one of the two following words, the first being "story", but not pronounced that sounds something more along the lines of "Staaaarrrrryyyy?!?" and I believe it is an abbreviation of "what's the story?" The second of course being "fuckin'"... now I know part of being Irish means that when you stall to think of what you're going to say next you generally might throw in the odd "fuckin'" just to break what would otherwise have been a prolonged silence...but there is no logistical reason for beginning a sentence, let alone a conversation with the word..."fuckiiiinnnnn'". If you begin a sentence with that word, there's no hope for you as a person. If you see someone you know, and the first word you think of is anything other than "Hello", or some derivative of it, then you're a Grade - A no-hoper!

Now, onto this egg throwing business! That was the first time that I've ever been even vaguely grazed by a projectile egg, although I've seen it occur far more often than I'd like to admit. It seems to be the staple of juvenile delinquancy in this country. I'm sure most of us have either seen some poor bastard nailed with an egg from a passing car once or twice in our time, if not expereinced it ourselves. Now, generally laughing at someone else's misfortune can be comforting and therapeutic (that's probably why show's like "You've Been Framed" are so damn popular), but when it's an egg out of a car, I don't know about you, but the fact that the poor bastard's clothes are generally destroyed, coupled with the fact that the little shit who threw it is either some unemployed, worthless piece of shit, who probably spent his last 70c on the box of eggs, or a 17 year old dipshit who needs his nose broken, and the wheels ripped off his car, really brings my piss to a boil. Either way, there's no doubt that the people involved need their ass handed to them.

This country is sinking into a slump, and something needs to be done about it. We've all heard those lists about the most dangerous places to live in the world, and Ireland never really even ranked close to the top of the list. But in the last few years I've known friends who were mugged, burgled, and just plain inconvenienced by the absolutle scum that seems to be ptrolling our streets these days, and it's at a point now where you can't even walk around a corner without encountering one or more of these unsavoury characters. I know people who've lived abroad, and I've even visited some of those "dodgy" places on the list of dodgy places. It seems to be generally understood, by the upstanding Irish citizens at least, that these places don't even come close to Ireland in terms of the scum you encounter on a daily basis!

Just some food for thought!

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